Early onset senility has not been the reason why I have not logged into this blog in nearly eight weeks. I won't waste my readers' (or reader's) time by listing all the lame reasons for why I have been absent. I think I've been like many people who try to keep diaries. They'll go to the bookstore and buy a blank journal, write in it like mad for a week or two, and then toss it in a drawer and never pick it up again. As far as keeping this blog current, to paraphrase A. Conan Doyle, "I can but try."
I turned
500 (oops, one too many zeroes) on April 29. Since then, I've done another stint at the Columbus State bookstore. After a day trip to
Cedar Point, Susie's sophomore year at The Charles School ended. At the end-of-year assembly, she learned that she is one of 20 students accepted for the Early College program at Ohio Dominican University.
However, the big news for Susie right now is that she is, even as I type, en route to Romania. She and six other teenagers--and three adult chaperons--left Port Columbus this morning for a 10-day Justice Trip, representing First Unitarian Universalist Church here in Columbus. (This was the best expenditure of a tax refund in the 30 years I have been filing!) Just before I started typing, I received a text message from the church's Associate Minister, letting me know they've all landed safely at JFK in New York. (They will be there until late afternoon, before embarking on the longest leg of the trip, which is between New York and Helsinki. There will be
much tighter connections between Helsinki and Warsaw, and Warsaw and Bucharest.)
Susie is the first of our immediate family to journey outside North America. My overseas travel was 15 minutes in Ciudad Juarez in 1987, where my sole activity was buying a bottle of tequila for $1.15. Steph lived in upstate New York until she was nine or 10, which meant frequent trips in and out of Canada. However, Susie journeyed to Costa Rica (for the "Winterim" trip at The Graham School), and now will be headed across the Atlantic Ocean to Romania. (Although it is known as "the Eastern Europe of Eastern Europe," Romania plays a prominent role in Unitarian history, and is as important as Jerusalem or Rome. The only Unitarian monarch, John Sigismund Zápolya, ruled Hungary in the mid-16th century (as John II).) A
Reader's Digest version of the Unitarian history of the region can be found
Our Associate Minister picked us up at 7:45 for the ride out to Port Columbus. (The flight was supposed to leave at 8:30 a.m., but did not leave until after 10. He called me, and the parents of all the other youth, around 2:15 a.m. to let us know.) Before everyone headed to the TSA metal detectors and the American Airlines boarding area, they posed for pictures. Here is the group, rarin' to go:
Just across from the American Airlines ticket counter, after checking in baggage and scanning passports. Susie is on the left, in front of the Honda logo.
There were many planning meetings for this trip. One of the adult chaperons wisely mentioned that they would be together almost constantly, and they would get on one another's nerves. (There will be a buddy system to make sure no one is out and about alone.) Susie told me that when the Graham School trip to Costa Rica ended, the plane had landed at Port Columbus, and was still sitting on the runway before the passengers disembarked. One of the teachers in charge told everyone, "I love you all, but I don't want to see any of you for 72 hours."
I am taking the day off from work. I thought about coming in to work once I knew Susie was airborne, but my sleep was spotty last night (Susie and I had considered staying up all night, but I caved a little after midnight, and she went to bed around 1 a.m. I was just getting to sleep when my phone rang, bringing me the news the flight would be leaving later than expected.) I foresee an early night for me tonight. I am hoping that Susie and the others will take advantage of the long flight over the Atlantic Ocean to Finland, and get some shut-eye during that.
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