When I neglect the blog for an extended period of time, there is often quite a bit of news to relay. The front-page item in our household has been Susie's trip, and yesterday, I did not want to steal any of her thunder, so I focused exclusively on that. I have some significant news of my own, and news that is quite worrisome: I am now the proud owner of a thoracic aortic aneurysm.
I learned this news totally by accident, and am wondering when it first started to develop. Two weeks ago, on a Friday night, I went straight from work to the emergency room at Riverside Methodist Hospital. (Susie was away for the weekend at a Senior High Youth Con at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Akron, so I did not have to worry her.) Throughout the day, I had a sharp, almost electric pain in the right side of my chest, which spread up into my throat and jaw, and constricted my chest so much that I would go into spasms of dry coughing every time I drew a deep breath. I was not worried about it being anything cardiac, since it was on the wrong side of the chest. All I knew was that I was in pain, and had no idea why.
I won't reel off all the procedures and conversations I had in the six or seven hours I was in the emergency room. I came early Friday evening, so I was there well ahead of the Knife and Gun Club activities. They put me on a Dilaudid drip, drew blood, and hooked me up to a heart monitor. (I now can understand how someone could develop a Dilaudid habit, by the way.)
The emergency room doctor ordered a CT scan, because he was suspecting that I had a blood clot in my lung. I have had CT scans before, but I will never get used to the feeling when they inject the dye. It only lasts about 15-20 seconds, but it feels like they're shooting you full of hot water. For a brief terrible moment, I thought I was going to mess myself, but the technicians reassured me that was a normal feeling.
The doctor and nurse came to my cubicle three or four hours later (I spent most of the evening lying there watching reruns of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit on USA Network) with the diagnosis. The pain in my chest was an inflamed muscle. He was prescribing hydrocodone and Naproxen, a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory, respectively. Then he said, "But..."
That's never a good thing to hear from a doctor. He followed up, after pausing for dramatic effect. When he read the CT scan, he found that I have a thoracic aortic aneurysm. It was totally unrelated to muscle inflammation. The aorta is the largest artery in the body, and the aneurysm is analogous to a knot tied in a garden hose.
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Apparently, this is what I have. Look for me to be Centerfold of the Month in the next New England Journal of Medicine. |
I followed the emergency room doctor's advice, and saw my general practitioner about a week later (as soon as I could schedule an appointment.) I faxed her all the paperwork from the E.R. (including the printout for my EKG), and the following day Susie dropped off the two disks of my CT scan. The doctor renewed my Naproxen prescription, but not the hydrocodone (since it is a narcotic). She said that she was not a radiologist or cardiologist, so she could not look at the disk. (I tried to look at it, but apparently do not have the software necessary to play it.)
So what's happening now? First, I am going on record as saying I am not letting this condition turn me into an invalid. I've been going to work, walking (although I am just getting over an unrelated pain in my left foot, probably because I've been wearing a shoe that is too old), and will be on the trike this weekend. I worked at the bookstore after the diagnosis, which entailed 2½ hours at a time on my feet. Again, I come back to Abraham Lincoln's attitude toward assassination, at a time when he had a file of 80 threatening letters in his desk: "If I am killed, I can die but once; but to live in constant dread of it, is to die over and over again." I have kidded my supervisor (who is an R.N.) that if she assigns me a task I don't like, I'll do the "I'm comin', Elizabeth" routine Redd Foxx made popular in Sanford and Son. She told me never to joke about that.
I have an appointment with a vascular surgeon at the OSU Ross Heart Hospital on Monday afternoon, to be followed by a stress test. I'm not sure if it'll be a treadmill test, or by IV stimulation. (Neither one sounds like much fun. I have had the treadmill test, and do not have fond memories of it.) I mailed the disk of the CT scan to the doctor earlier this week, and hopefully he'll have looked at it by Monday.
Oddly enough, I don't meet the usual characteristics of the typical thoracic aneurysm patient. I do not have high blood pressure, and I have never been a smoker. I do not have any connective-tissue diseases, such as Ehrlers-Danlos syndrome or Marfan's. I am well aware that my cholesterol and triglyceride levels resemble zip codes, a byproduct of loving the fare at the Blue Danube Restaurant, I am sure. My weight surely does not help, and the genetic factor worried my E.R. doctor--my dad died (aged 70) of congestive heart failure, and his father died of a heart attack at the age of 52, two years older than I am now. My mother had a heart attack in her 60s, but made a full recovery. Also, abdominal aortic aneurysms are far more common.
As a departure from this gloom and doom, I want to share with you the current view from where Susie is right now. (I received a text message from her this morning, saying I had forgotten to give her the PIN number to the pre-paid Visa card I sent with her. I replied, and told her that if it didn't work, I'd go to Western Union and send her money that way.)
So, I leave you with this picture from Romania:
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